
Boost Main Image Clicks Now.

Does your primary image possess the allure to attract clicks from search results?
Make a good first impression because this determines whether customers will continue to visit your product page.

CTR-driven expansion leads the growth.

Steven has passionately discussed this matter, and there’s a valid reason for it—it truly works.
Choosing a new keyword is the biggest decision you’ll make today, and its importance goes beyond PPC. PPC helps reduce ACOS and has a positive impact on SEO efforts.

Click Through Rate: Ensuring Each Click Matters

Click-through rate measures the percentage of users who clicked on your product listing after it appeared in search results.
The Click-Through Rate (CTR) is pivotal in channeling traffic, ultimately resulting in increased sales.
Click-through rate is more than just a sales metric; directly affects your overall performance. A strong click-through rate shows that your product name is not only attractive, but also resonates with buyers. This means there is interest from potential customers and as a result browsers convert into buyers. Increase your click-through rate to increase sales, outperform your competitors and strengthen your business.

Enhanced Illustrations of Primary Images

The main image of the Amazon listing should be visually appealing, clearly present the product, and clearly show its features and benefits. Here we’ve compiled a collection of key images we use for our clients that show specific adjustments made to increase click-through rates (CTR).

Barbary Fig Beauty Oil

The initial main image for the Barber Fig DBeauty Oil , provided by our client, featured a simple product shot of the yellow journal against a white background – a fairly conventional presentation seen across many Amazon listings. However, we envisioned some innovative ideas to enhance its conversion rate. This included revealing the journal’s interior, adding a small note indicating the intended age bracket, and prominently displaying a concise product description on the front cover.

Results: Click-through rate (CTR) tripled and sales tripled without any changes to product pages or PPC strategies.

Blue Tansy _ Hibiscus Anti-Aging Botanical Facial Beauty Oil

The initial main image for the Blue Tansy – Hibiscus Anti – Aging Botanical Facial Beauty Oil , provided by our client, featured a simple product shot of the yellow journal against a white background – a fairly conventional presentation seen across many Amazon listings. However, we envisioned some innovative ideas to enhance its conversion rate. This included revealing the journal’s interior, adding a small note indicating the intended age bracket, and prominently displaying a concise product description on the front cover.

Results: Click-through rate (CTR) tripled and sales tripled without any changes to product pages or PPC strategies.

Blue Tansy _ Hibiscus Anti-Aging Botanical Facial Mist

The initial main image for the Blue Tansy – Hibiscus Anti-Aging Botanical Facial Beauty Mist, provided by our client, featured a simple product shot of the yellow journal against a white background – a fairly conventional presentation seen across many Amazon listings. However, we envisioned some innovative ideas to enhance its conversion rate. This included revealing the journal’s interior, adding a small note indicating the intended age bracket, and prominently displaying a concise product description on the front cover.

Results: Click-through rate (CTR) tripled and sales tripled without any changes to product pages or PPC strategies.

Blue Tansy _ Organic Hibiscus Anti-Aging Botanical Facial Cleansing Oil

The initial main image for the Blue Tansy – Organic Hibiscus Anti-Aging – Aging Botanical Facial Cleansing Oil, provided by our client, featured a simple product shot of the yellow journal against a white background – a fairly conventional presentation seen across many Amazon listings. However, we envisioned some innovative ideas to enhance its conversion rate. This included revealing the journal’s interior, adding a small note indicating the intended age bracket, and prominently displaying a concise product description on the front cover.

Results: Click-through rate (CTR) tripled and sales tripled without any changes to product pages or PPC strategies.

Hemp _ Chia Seed Facial Cleansing Oil

The initial main image for the Hemp-China Seed Facial Cleansing Oil, provided by our client, featured a simple product shot of the yellow journal against a white background – a fairly conventional presentation seen across many Amazon listings. However, we envisioned some innovative ideas to enhance its conversion rate. This included revealing the journal’s interior, adding a small note indicating the intended age bracket, and prominently displaying a concise product description on the front cover.

Results: Click-through rate (CTR) tripled and sales tripled without any changes to product pages or PPC strategies.

Non Vegon

The initial main image for the Non Vegon, provided by our client, featured a simple product shot of the yellow journal against a white background – a fairly conventional presentation seen across many Amazon listings. However, we envisioned some innovative ideas to enhance its conversion rate. This included revealing the journal’s interior, adding a small note indicating the intended age bracket, and prominently displaying a concise product description on the front cover.

Results: Click-through rate (CTR) tripled and sales tripled without any changes to product pages or PPC strategies.

Pumpkin Seed _ Tamanu Anti-Bacterial Beauty Oil

The initial main image for the Pumpkin Seed-Tamanu Anti-Bacterial Beauty Oil, provided by our client, featured a simple product shot of the yellow journal against a white background – a fairly conventional presentation seen across many Amazon listings. However, we envisioned some innovative ideas to enhance its conversion rate. This included revealing the journal’s interior, adding a small note indicating the intended age bracket, and prominently displaying a concise product description on the front cover.

Results: Click-through rate (CTR) tripled and sales tripled without any changes to product pages or PPC strategies.



The initial main image for the Vegan, provided by our client, featured a simple product shot of the yellow journal against a white background – a fairly conventional presentation seen across many Amazon listings. However, we envisioned some innovative ideas to enhance its conversion rate. This included revealing the journal’s interior, adding a small note indicating the intended age bracket, and prominently displaying a concise product description on the front cover.

Results: Click-through rate (CTR) tripled and sales tripled without any changes to product pages or PPC strategies.

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Increase click-through rate (CTR) with initial image optimization

Featured images are considered important to Amazon’s click-through rate (CTR) and have a significant impact. As the first visual contact with potential customers searching for benefits or product listings, it plays an important role in attracting attention, communicating product features and benefits, and finally convincing buyers to participate by clicking on the listing. Let’s pay more attention to optimizing the main image to increase the click-through rate.
Increasing click-through rate by optimizing the main image involves using a variety of strategies, including:
Improving your original image for click value is a constant effort. Regularly monitor and analyze the performance of key images, make adjustments as needed and gradually increase the click-through rate
0:08 Enhancing Conversion through Improved Click-Through Rate (CTR)
0:08 Enhancing Conversion through Improved Click-Through Rate (CTR)
0:08 Enhancing Conversion through Improved Click-Through Rate (CTR)
0:08 Enhancing Conversion through Improved Click-Through Rate (CTR)
0:08 Enhancing Conversion through Improved Click-Through Rate (CTR)
0:08 Enhancing Conversion through Improved Click-Through Rate (CTR)
0:08 Enhancing Conversion through Improved Click-Through Rate (CTR)
0:08 Enhancing Conversion through Improved Click-Through Rate (CTR)
0:08 Enhancing Conversion through Improved Click-Through Rate (CTR)
ExoticDad’s main image click-through rate (CTR) is a pivotal metric, indicating audience engagement. A high CTR signals effective visual content alignment with branding, while adjustments may enhance impact.
Sagrah perfume’s main image click-through rate (CTR) is pivotal, indicating online appeal. A high CTR suggests effective visual representation, enticing potential customers, while a lower CTR prompts adjustments for a compelling online presence.

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Jennifer B. Amazon Seller

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Ted Rinquest Amazon Seller

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Donghwan K. Amazon Seller

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For example, more images at 2x the click price on Amazon