
Obtain Amazon brand registry instantly.

Protect your TM number with us for a total fee of $925, including USPTO filing, trademark search, and direct communications.
Step 1 – Complimentary Trademark Evaluation
Learn the risks associated with your line of business and increase your chances of registration success. Submit your trademark to the USPTO database and receive a clear report with personalized recommendations.
Step 2 – Initiating Trademark Submission
After reviewing the market evaluation results, you can place your order by going to our product order form. We will file your trademark application and submit it to the USPTO. We will provide confirmation information and Amazon Brand Registration number after delivery.
~ Steven Tan Owner, DS-Happy Living

A Remarkable Boost in Business Thanks to DiGital FaQeer. Social media has changed our business. Their targeted campaigns and personalized approaches increased our online presence and conversions. Data-driven insights provide valuable guidance, making them an invaluable partner in our success. Very nice

Why Register Trademark on Amazon

My Amazon Contacts and Subscription Business IP Accelerator

Why pay more? My Amazon experts will assist you with your business problems and help you register your business brand on Amazon in record time – guaranteed.

DiGital SchOol

TradeMark Registration
$ 925 All Inclusive Price
  • Filing - Included
  • Trademark Search - Included
  • USPTO Fees - Included

IP Accelerator

TradeMark Registration
$ 1,600 Estimate
  • Filing - $700
  • Trademark Search - $650
  • USPTO Fees - $250

Inclusions in the Package

In addition to saving $700, our business services are also very beneficial:

Secure Business Registration for Your Brand in 3 Easy Steps

Is a Trademark Essential for You

Of course. Every online business should have a trademark. A trademark protects your products and brands, making you the legal owner. Legal protection This ensures that only people authorized by you can use your name or logo. No trademark, no trademark, no legal representation of someone copies your work. Investing time and money into a new idea without obtaining a trademark or patent leaves you vulnerable to others copying your product and capitalizing on your success.

What advantages does a trademark offer for my presence on Amazon?

As a registered business owner, you are eligible for Amazon Brand Registry. This unique service provides unique tools and benefits that will give your products a competitive edge. Through Amazon Brand Registry, you can:


I just wanted to say thanks for taking the time to reach out in response to my comment - I'll definitely schedule an appointment. I added Amazon as a sales channel at the end of last year, and the content that you put together has been incredibly helpful in managing the unique "quirks" (major understatement) of Amazon. Thanks for all of the time and effort you put into providing such high quality content!

Jennifer B. Amazon Seller

My Brand Registry for Oriental-Decor was just fully approved by Amazon a few minutes ago. This is exactly you projected timeframe of 30 dyas after getting the logo mark registration number from USPTO. You supplied excellent, clear direction and extremely quick service once I got the necessary packaging pictures to you. Looking forward to hiring My Digital Guy for future projects! I appreciate it.

Ted Rinquest Amazon Seller

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Donghwan K. Amazon Seller

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