
Service for Registering Trademarks

Trademark Registration is the best protection Amazon sellers can have against Hijackers.

US TM Registration

The US remains to be Amazon's biggest market, and hijackers are always on the prowl for victims. Protect yourself with a US Trademark.

Canada TM Registration

Remove Hijackers in Canada, which starts working within 24 hours of order using the serial number.

International TM (Madrid)

Get Your TM Serial Number from us within 1 business day. Remove Hijackers Internationally, which starts working within 24 hours of order using the serial number.

Why register trademark on Amazon?

Get a business name for your brand in three easy steps

We make it easy for you.

Is a Trademark Necessary for You

Definitely. Every online business needs trademark protection. A trademark protects your product and brand, making you the legal owner. This legislation ensures that only authorized individuals or organizations can use your name or trademark. Without this, you have no protection against unauthorized use, making it easier to implement your changes. Failing to obtain a trademark or patent after spending time and resources researching a new idea puts you at risk of someone else copying and using your success.

Benefits of Trademark on Amazon?

Registering a trademark leads to Amazon’s domain name and unlocks exclusive tools and benefits to gain a competitive advantage. With a domain name you can:


I just wanted to say thanks for taking the time to reach out in response to my comment - I'll definitely schedule an appointment. I added Amazon as a sales channel at the end of last year, and the content that you put together has been incredibly helpful in managing the unique "quirks" (major understatement) of Amazon. Thanks for all of the time and effort you put into providing such high quality content!

Jennifer B. Amazon Seller

My Brand Registry for Oriental-Decor was just fully approved by Amazon a few minutes ago. This is exactly you projected timeframe of 30 dyas after getting the logo mark registration number from USPTO. You supplied excellent, clear direction and extremely quick service once I got the necessary packaging pictures to you. Looking forward to hiring My Digital Guy for future projects! I appreciate it.

Ted Rinquest Amazon Seller

I would like to thank you for your quick help. It helped me a lot. I also want to say that you and your organization doing great work. Thank you for being there for Amazon sellers like me who has just started their business and don't know where to go if stuck somewhere. Once again thank you so much.

Pankti B. Amazon Seller

Your contents are the best of all FBA related Youtube channels. Full of legit and up-to-date Infos and fun to watch. Especially those live QnA streams are really liked!

Donghwan K. Amazon Seller

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Trademark FAQs

Need more help? Contact us with any questions or concerns.

Trademarks give you legal claim over your brand names, slogans, and logos. Trademarks are for protecting brand identity; they do not protect inventions or original works such as art or music. Trademarks give you nationwide protection for your brand. Other sellers will not be able to use your trademarked brand name or logo to sell products, unless it’s with your permission.

We highly recommend word mark. It’s easier and cleaner and best for Amazon. Sometimes Amazon will interpret a design logo mark with slightly different punctuation or spacing. But a word mark gets exact match every time.

We can file both a Word and a Logo mark but this requires a 2nd order.

Some companies use both a distinctive brand name and logo, so they decide to trademark both. This can be advantageous for certain brands, but both the brand name and the logo would require separate filing, which means double the fees. For this reason, many companies feel that filing a trademark for just their company name provides enough protection.

We can file both a Word and a Logo mark but this requires a 2nd order.

Trademarks can last indefinitely as long as you continue to use the mark in commerce. A statement of use needs to be filed 5 years after the registration of your trademark.

We run a direct-hit trademark search to make sure that your trademark is not already in use. This saves you the money and trouble of filing and being rejected for “likelihood of confusion”, meaning that your mark is too similar or even identical to an existing trademark. Please be aware that our trademark search is a direct-hit search, and not a comprehensive search.

It can take 6-9 months before your trademark is officially registered. You should receive your initial response from the USPTO within 3 months. You can speed up the process by making sure your application is accurate and responding promptly to any office actions sent to you by the USPTO. Amazon recently started allowing brands to get their brand registry faster with a Pending Trademark and you no longer have to wait until final approval.
Yes. Any business filing a trademark in the USA from an international location must hire an attorney, which we provide. This is due to an update in 2019 from the USPTO. So this is a great net benefit of using My Amazon Guy!
Yes. The attorney files the TM directly in your name or business name, domestic or international, we accept it all.

No. You can upload to Amazon immediately. You do not need a TM to sell on Amazon. You just need the TM to get the brand registry to get access to A+ content and the brand dashboard. It is wise for you to file the TM now so that over the next few months while your items go through the supply chain you’ll have the TM quicker.

Yes. We recommend using a word mark for the purposes of Amazon. Design marks don’t need words, but it’s anybody’s guess how they get interpreted by Amazon on brand registry. And the reason you need is it because without a word mark the brand name has to match the TM or you don’t get brand registry recognition. By using a word mark you avoid having a brand name that doesn’t make sense or is truncated in the brand attribute of Seller Central.

Within about 7 days. You can go to and use the pending TM serial number and file the mark. The fastest we’ve seen is 2 days. But 5-7 days is the average.

We recommend filing for your Trademark as soon as you have a sample on hand with your brand name affixed to it. Just take a cell phone picture and file your mark with us.

A specimen is a real-world example of how you are using your trademark on goods or in the offer of services. A specimen is more than just a picture of your trademark or logo. For goods (products), acceptable specimens include labels, tags, packaging material, instruction manuals and containers that display the trademark. Please note that brochures, business cards, catalogs, and stationery are generally not acceptable specimens for goods. Take a cell phone picture of your product in it’s packaging to submit a specimen to My Digital Faqeer.

Yes. If you aren’t sure what category to pick, leave this blank on your application and we will pick a category that broadly meets your item so you can protect it as much as possib

Usually no. But if you need to file in multiple categories because you have items in very different verticals, we can file a 2nd category for you for an additioanl $500 per additional category. Amazon will let you brand registry apply rather broadly across categories, unless someone has the same mark as you in a different category. This is the only time we see chall

No. EIN is not needed. Just legal name and address are required if filing a mark under a business. If filing under a person, just your name and address are required. No other personal identification required.

We send you the filing paperwork and a serial number in under 1 business day (24 hours). We also send you a full guide to register brand registry step by step on Amazon.

Legally you need to have an item available for sale, and your brand name in use, to file on the principal registry with the USPTO.

For Amazon Brand Registry requirements we’ve seen the ability to place a sticker on an item with a brand name affixed.

It is ideal if you also have a website page with the item listed (on or off Amazon). 

Just photos of 1 of the variation would be good enough.

Liability is not a play here. You should go with company because IP owned by a company makes the company more valuable.

You can input the date on which the listing was created on Amazon for both approximate first date of use anywhere and approximate first date of use in commerce.

The moment you have a product with packaging that has the logo on it. You want to reserve the name to protect it. But you also need a cell phone picture of said item to file the TM easily.